
The area around Masunda Lake, called Talao pali "talao" meaning lake is the heart of the city. Most of the important landmarks are located here.

By Auto-Rickshaw

The most common way to get around in Thane is to hire an auto rickshaw. Payment is by meter. The amount to pay, however, is not the amount shown by the meter, but scaled up by a factor which changes whenever there is a rate adjustment. Check the tariff card for the right fare. Ensure Tariff card is stamped & signed by RTO.It is better still to know the approximate km to destination and negotiate the charge lumpsum before hand since the meters are invariably tampered with. e.g Thane to Sion is 15-18 km and fair charge would be Rs. 130-140 latest rate but the meter will show Rs.180-190. Thus fixing 140-150 before sitting saves you a lot of headache.

By car
By car

Ram Maruti Road, Gokhale Road and LBS Marg are the important roads to criss-cross this area. The other important road is Ghodbunder Road which connects the eastern and western halves of the city and joins the Eastern Express Highway.

By taxi
By taxi

If you are on a day trip from Mumbai, one of the options is to catch a taxi in Mumbai and use it to go around Thane city. You cannot flag down taxis in the city as you won't find any, but you can certainly hire one.

By bus
By bus

Thane Municipal Transport TMT runs a bus service through the city.